Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Embracing Your Second Calling - Dale Hanson Bourke

Embracing Your Second Calling by Dale Hanson Bourke is reached out for women who are at their “Middle Age” time frame of life. Dale does not only give her insights but also includes biblical readings and passages. Aiming at women who wonder what happens in the next half of their lives.
I as a young adult still had very much interest in this book. I did come through some points were I thought weren’t very interesting and found it quiet annoying but giving it thought there are all different types of women and this book reaches out to all of them. Some parts will be not of interest but I guarantee that any women reading this will have that one part that is reflected in her life.
Dale is embracing her second calling by reaching out to God. She is a woman who has been through a lot of life lessons and challenges. Not only does she just talk about herself. She’s talked to women and gave their point of view of their second calling.
Are you feeling lost? Are you wondering what is you purpose? Are things not going right in your life? Wondering why you are working and pushing so hard for? Wondering what God’s plans are? If you think it is too late to start over think again, read this amazing book and let your soul and mind really get into it. Do the assignments, really read the quotes given around the pages and the reflections.