Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Girl’s Guide to Life by Katie Meiers

Once again Book Sneeze sends me another amazing book. A Girl’s Guide to Life by Katie Meiers. To start off I love the way the front cover of this books looks like. I know you’re not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but it was just a refresh cover page, that you just wanted to start reading.
I got to admit that the first page was an amazing exercise. It tells you to jot down things that you find yourself good at. I did skip that exercise and she got me by telling me to go back and really think about it. I find every single exercise in this book makes a girl/women think about how great of a person she is. This book really enlightened my day.
Katie is very up to date with the situations and challenges female teens and young women deal with. As a 23 year old woman, I can safely say that I found a lot of similarities of situations that I’ve been through and is going through those Katie addressers in her book.
I would also recommended parents to read this book, as it will give them an insight of what their daughters can be going through. As well as the young ladies who do not have someone to turn to or trust, this book would really help them with their self esteem and life in general.
If you are going to read this book, please do the exercises as they will make you realize how much of great women you are.
Thank You for taking the time in reading my review on A Girl’s Guide to Life by Katie Meiers.